M.J. Matte & Associates INC. is excited to announce our 7th annual $1,000 scholarship for post-secondary education. This amazing opportunity offers students in our community financial assistance to pursue their academic goals.
To be eligible you must:
- Be enrolled in a university, college, or a recognized trade school for the Fall 2024 semester.
- Be a Grade 12 student related to a client of our firm OR from Immaculata High School.
- Write an essay explaining “What Financial Responsibility Means to Me” (1,000 word maximum).
To apply:
- Email a pdf copy of your essay to info@matteandassociates.com
- Complete the Application Form below
DEADLINE: May 31st, 2024
The scholarship winner will be announced and profiled on our website and social media accounts in June following the graduation ceremonies!
Congratulations to our past winners!
2023: Reine Alaji & Reece Leguilloux
“I have come to appreciate the virtues of perseverance, resourcefulness, and adaptability, which have become integral pillars in my personal financial strategy”. - Reine
“Financial responsibility is the opportunity to dance through life without the burdens of debt, be independent, and provide security to those you love.” - Reece
2022: Anna Hopley
“Many people think that you have to be very wealthy to be financially responsible but that’s not true... if you are financially savvy and make time for goal setting so you are well aware of what you are saving for, you can be financially responsible.” - Anna
2019: Calvin Thalheimer
"Financial responsibility has allowed me to better appreciate things in life, to grow closer with my dad, to plan for my future, and develop into a positive member of society." - Calvin
2018: Katrina Routley
"Most of my friends have everything handed to them and I began working twenty-hour work weeks at the age of fourteen." - Katrina
2017: Zackery Plaxton & Andrew Gorges
"The basic importance of financial responsibility is looking away from today and towards tomorrow to make sure your needs will be met." - Zackery
"We have no power to control [financial emergencies], only the power to be prepared for when it does happen." - Andrew
2016: Nathan Ziebart
"Becoming self-sufficient is a responsibility we owe ourselves so that other do not have to continue providing for us as adults." - Nathan