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Thanksgiving: A Time for Gratitude  Thumbnail

Thanksgiving: A Time for Gratitude

As winter quickly approaches and many of you make travel plans to go south, I would like to provide some insights as to what we’re seeing in the financial markets and to give you some peace-of-mind as we navigate this recessionary time together.

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M&A Investor Insights (Part 1 of 5):        An Important Look Back Thumbnail

M&A Investor Insights (Part 1 of 5): An Important Look Back

Manulife Capital Markets team recently reviewed the last several years of interesting global phenomenon and compared market returns of the S&P 500 (the index measuring 500 of the United States’ top companies) over that same 7-year period. The question to ask yourself as you read the following list is, “how would I expect the market to have performed during this time period when such things occurred?”

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