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Check out the brand-new Solutions to go podcast! A podcast made Just for clients on a variety of topics including investing. insurance, banking, tax planning, and healthy living in Canada.

🎧 Episode 7 - Planning your estate

Nobody wants to think about it, but having an estate plan is important. It can be a key factor in controlling how and when your assets are distributed. Join Peter Ward as he speaks with tax expert John Natale about everything estate planning.

🎧 Episode 6 - All about life insurance

*Life insurance can be a tough topic. No one wants to talk about it, but it can be a critical part of your estate plan. In this episode, Peter Ward welcomes back Planright advisor Tyler Martin to discuss the merits of life insurance in all its forms. Remember, it’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

🎧 Episode 5 - Looking for value beyond Canada

*In this episode Peter Ward chats with Manulife co-chief investment strategists Kevin Headland and Macan Nia about opportunities around the globe - the good, the bad and the unknown. As proud Canadians, sometimes we tend to be overly skewed towards Canadian equity in our portfolios, but it’s a big world out there! Tune in to find out more.

🎧 Episode 4 - TFSA vs RRSP

*When it comes to saving for the future, what’s better - a TFSA or an RRSP?

Spoiler alert! They’re both good, but for different reasons. Listen to Peter Ward’s conversation with tax expert John Natale to learn more about these registered accounts and how it makes sense to use them.

🎧 Episode 3 - the value of advice

*In this episode Peter Ward talks with Tyler Martin about the value of seeking advice

Sometimes we literally don’t know what we don’t know, and when reaching out to a trusted professional can save both time and money. When it comes to financial matters, the skillset and wisdom of an advisor can help you reach your goals. Learn about

🎧 Episode 2 – Finding your flow

*In this episode Peter speaks to Shawna Oliver about all things wellbeing.

  • Why it’s not only physical wellbeing, but mental wellbeing that’s important
  • Understanding the benefits of good financial health. 
  • Starting small and building up to cement good habits.

🎧 Episode 1 – Making sense of investment volatility 

*Host Peter Ward discusses market volatility with Manulife Co-Chief Investment Strategists Macan Nia and Kevin Headland. Learn about: 

  • The importance of staying invested during market volatility. 
  • The difference between growth and value companies, and why it might not matter. 
  • Investment strategies, such as dollar-cost averaging. 

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This publication contains opinions of the writer and may not reflect opinions of the Advisor and Manulife Wealth Inc. and/or Manulife Wealth Insurance Services Inc. (collectively, “Manulife Wealth"). The information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable. No representation, or warranty, express or implied, is made by the writer, Manulife Wealth or any other person as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. This publication is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities. The securities discussed in this publication may not be eligible for sale in some jurisdictions. If you are not a Canadian resident, this report should not have been delivered to you. This publication is not meant to provide legal, financial, tax or investment advice. As each situation is different, you should consult your own professional advisors for advice based on your specific circumstances.